Current Projects(*) and Completed Projects

  1. Detection and tracking of mesoscale eddies in the Bay of Bengal using Satellite altimetry data *
  2. Hydrologic and geospatial analyses to quantify surface-water connectivity of Lower Mississippi river and develop framework for evaluating tradeoffs between limiting invasion risks and maintaining hydrologic connectivity of oxbow lakes*
  3. Applications of Machine learning in Computational Oceanographic Research *
  4. Integrating Machine Learning and Remote Sensing for Long-Term Monitoring of Chl-a in Chilika Lake, India *
  5. Simulation of the land use/land cover and land surface temperature change in the chittagong city corpoeration using QGIS*
  6. Land use assessment and forecasting in the teknaf Upazila, Bangladesh.
  7. Simulation of the future land use/land cover change in the Starkville, Mississippi,USA*
  8. Future of the Irrawaddy Delta with decreasing fluvial sediment supply and SLR
  9. Marine Spatial Planning to support Integrated Coastal zone Management in Bangladesh *
  10. Spatio–temporal variability of SST,SSS and Primary productivity in the Bay of Bengal.
  11. A case study for the Biodiversity Assessment and land cover in the Sundarbans mangrove forest.
  12. Collaborative Research: The tropicalization of Western Atlantic seagrass beds (Volunteered in Dr. James Douglass('s marine ecology lab )
  13. Status and Future Trends of the Bangladesh Coastal Zone Management and coastal risks.
  14. Present status of impacts of climate change and adaptations in Bangladesh coastal areas.
  15. Vegetation and Land cover analysis in response to Precipitation and land surface temperature of Oktibbeha County of Mississippi, USA
  16. Integrated Management of Coastal Resources of Saint Martin’s Island in Bangladesh.
  17. Google Scholar total citations 305, h-index: 5, and i10-index: 3, [5/2/2022]

My Activities at a glance

Oceanographic Researcher

Ocean Remote Sensing and Satellite Data Analysis, Physical Oceanography,Ecosystem monitoring,Ocean Dynamics and Circulation,Bio-optics Oceanography Ocean productivity, Biological effects on Ocean's optical properties,Marine Pollution and Environmental Contamination,Coastal zone management, climate change,Climate hazards, SDM,EcoHydrology,connectivity, Estuarine processes, Aquatic wildlife habitats and Oceanographic data collection distribution of temperature and salinity,Coastal and Deep-ocean processes, up-welling, water mass formation and movement, ocean currents, interior and surface mixing, energy inputs and dissipation, surface and internal waves, and surface and internal tides.Marine Biodiversity , Ecosystem and Modeling

Nature conservation and Ocean Literacy

Nature Conservation is important for many reasons, not least of all to the health of the planet. However, the study of the subject goes merely beyond health and ecosystems. I like to work with Nature and Nature based solutions projects. I did some conservation stuffs and Research in the coastal area of Bangladesh and I love to teach Ocean Literacy and you can visit Our official website bgfbd .

Programming and Mapping

Many oceanographers grow up loving the sea and its creatures. but when It comes in Data analysis and Modeling , you have to gain programming knowledge. fortran is widely used langauge in ocean Model. then During the last couple of decades, Matlab has been the most commonly-used scripting language in physical oceanography, and it has a large user base in many other fields.
Recently, however, Python has been gaining ground, often being adopted by former Matlab users as well as by newcomers. I have excellent working skill of Python ,Julia , R , Matlab, FORTRAN. ArcGIS , QGIS,SAGA,GRASS .
you can find more in github repo


I love traveling. Traveling makes you more open and accepting . If you travel, you will not only learn about foreign cultures, but about your own as well. You will notice the cultural differences, and will find out what makes your culture unique. After retrurning from a long journey, you will see your country with new eyes. I have visitied United States of America, Washington DC, FLORIDA,New YORK ,Dubai,Qatar,Memphis,Birmingham,Athens, Saint Martin island , Cox'S bazar,sunburbans Mangrove.

About Me

Hafez Ahmad

I am a young Oceanographer.I am passionate about physical Oceanographic and Marine Ecology Research and coastal Development Research. I use Python and R, MATLAB ,Julia,and C++ for data analysis, modeling, and visualization.I like do research and work with Physical Oceanography , Ocean productivity, Biological effects on Ocean's optical properties), Coastal zone management, climate change , Coastal Climate hazards and distribution of temperature and salinity, Coastal, Deep-ocean processes, Acoustic Telemetry for Studying Migration Movements as well as computational Oceanography .I am currently working on Machine learning applications, Marine spatial Planning, and Ocean Tracking and detection.
Completed Offline and online Training/ Courses

  1. Training on “Regression and Hotspot analysis, 2018 ” at University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

  2. Some of the themes addressed are in this practical Training :

    • Basic concepts of Regression and Hotspot analysis
    • Geospatial Data generation using ArcGIS 10. 5
    • Practical ways to identification of Crime- hotspot and uses geospatial Regression

  3. "First Aid” in American corner, Chittagong, Bangladesh

  4. Some of the themes addressed are in this practical Training :

    • Basic concepts of First Aid
    • Practical uses of the some first aid valid methods and instruments

  5. Fishery Oceanography for Future Professionals

    , during 16th - 20th November, 2020

  6. Organized by International Training Centre for Operational Oceanography (ITCOocean) ESSO-INCOIS, Hyderabad, India.
    covered topics are

    • Oceanographic Processes
    • Nutrients, Productivity and Nutrient Cycles
    • Acoustics
    • Telemetry and e-DNA
    • Fish life-cycle and Oceanographic Processes
    • Mariculture and Oceanography
    • Anthropogenic Threats to Fishery Resources

  7. SDGs for Youth: My Goal, My Responsibility” by Sudoksho and EMK Center, U.S. Embassy, Dhaka , Bangladesh
  8. Participation in “Social Leadership Hackathon”
  9. Geospatial Applications for Disaster Risk Management

  10. Organized by United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, Centre for Space Science and Technology Education for Asia and the Pacific (Affiliated to the United Nations) and Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS) under Indian Space Research Organisation, Department of Space, Government of India
  11. "Climate Change in practice and becoming global citizens for a sustainable society” by the Asian pacific center of education for international understanding and Ban ki-moon center.
  12. Geospatial and Environmental Analysis by University of California, Davis
  13. Julia Scientific Programming [with honors ] by the University of Cape Town
  14. Introduction to GIS: Manipulating and Mapping Geospatial Data in R
  15. ARSET - Species Distribution Modeling with Remote Sensing

  16. Biodiversity Applications for Airborne Imaging Systems,2023 ” by NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET)

  17. Lesson covered in this course

    • Overview of Species Distribution Models (SDMs), species data, predictors , model development
    • Using Wallace to Model Species Niches and Distributions
    • SDM comparisons and post-processing for conservation decision-making and beyond
    • Additional SDM Tools and Techniques, ASP Projects, and Summary
    • Circuitscape and Fisheries and Climate Toolkit (FaCeT)
  18. Learned Advanced python Concepts
  19. R programming hands-on specialization for data science
  20. Become an expert with ESRI's GIS software ArcGIS desktop
  21. Machine Learning Bootcamp™: Hand-On Python in Data Science
  22. Ecology: Ecosystem Dynamics and Conservation
  23. Large Marine Ecosystems: Assessment and Management
  24. Data Analysis with Python
  25. R Programming
  26. Data Analysis with R Programming
  27. Linear Regression and Modeling
  28. Principles of Ocean remote sensing & its applications during July 26 - 30, 2021, Hyderabad, India

  29. Learnings from this course

    • Principles of remote sensing
    • Thermal remote sensing & its applications
    • Ocean Colour remote sensing & its applications
    • Microwave remote sensing & its applications
    • Remote Sensing Data Sources and accessibility
  30. Summer program on Climate Change: Challenges and Issues for the Earth Sciences “Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace Climate Graduate School", France

  31. Some of the themes addressed are in this program :

    • The Climate System: a few decades that changed many things
    • New Trends in Climate Modeling: anticipating the future
    • Impacts and feedbacks of marine biogeochemistry and diversity
    • Exploring Earth observing systems and Models
    • The solar system: the sister planets of the Earth
    • Recent news from past climate

  32. Preparing to Manage Human Resources
  33. Marine Spatial Planning: balancing social, economic, cultural, and ecological objectives
  34. Developing-your-emotional-intelligence
  35. Excel 2016 Essential Training
  36. MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS in ECOLOGY (& other Sciences) using PRIMER version 7-2022

  37. Some of the themes addressed are in this course :

    • Introduction to multivariate data; the data matrix, measures of resemblance, and transformations
    • Multivariate regression; the regression model, the residuals, and the prediction interval
    • clustering, Principal Component Analysis, and dimensionality reduction
    • Parametric and Nonparametric Multidimensional scaling, Second stage analyses, Taxonomic resemblance
  38. Project-management-foundations and Cert Prep: Project Management Professional (PMP)
  39. Spatial Data Science and Applications
  40. The Data Scientists Toolbox
  41. Strategic Thinking

My Professional services

I am working for Geosystems Research Institute from 2024 to 2027 as Graduate Research assistant. Focus on leveraging cutting-edge remote sensing technologies and hydrodynamic modeling to contribute to surface to ground water quality assessment in the dynamic environment of the Mississippi Coastal region. Skilled in harnessing data from satellite sensors and drone imagery to derive meaningful insights into environmental changes. Adept at developing and implementing algorithms to process large datasets, enabling accurate analysis and interpretation of water quality parameters. Project

I worked for Mississippi USGS Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit from 2022 to 2023 as Graduate Research assistant. Project

In the meantime, I successfully finished two months research Internship under Mississippi State University (MSU), the Geosystems Research Institute (GRI), and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Project .

I worked (Oct 2020- NOV 2021) for Wildlife Conservation Society(WCS) Bangladesh Program as A Marine Data Management officer, WCS Bangladesh

WCS is a non-governmental organization headquartered at the Bronx Zoo in New York City, that aims to conserve the world's largest wild places. And WCS Bangladesh conducts cutting-edge wildlife science. WCS then shares new knowledge with the local communities and government agencies through innovative outreach.
My Responsibilities were
  1. Entered data, quality check, summarized,GPX data extraction and generated descriptive statistics for WCS BD marine data bases in excel and other software programs according to a standardized format.
  2. Assisted with advanced data analysis and modeling and generate maps and graphs for reports and presentations.
  3. Marine Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool development for Bay of Bengal region: SMART
  4. Ensured secure data storage and support documentation.
  5. Development of Sharks and Rays ID guide and Standard working procedure for Data collection
  6. Assist with improving data collection, data entry and image processing protocols, and new data analysis tools.
  7. Compiled and reviewed secondary information for developing MPA management plans, species assessments and marine spatial plans.
  8. Provided support to the Marine Conservation Team and other WCS BD programs as necessary.

I worked (May 2023- August 2023) for Geosystems Research Institute, GRI, HPC

I joined an elite group of eight students from different academic backgrounds and universities across the United States to work with a High-Performance Computer (aka Supercomputer) for cutting-edge machine learning projects! This incredible opportunity allowed us to tap into the immense power of supercomputers and fosters collaboration and innovation among bright minds from diverse fields. Together, we pushed the boundaries of computing and drive groundbreaking advancements in our respective areas of expertise. My project focused on classifying cattle behavior using machine and deep learning techniques with the aid of High-Performance Computing facilities. Project link

I use mainly Python,Julia and R, MATLAB ,Excel and C++ for data analysis and modeling, Geographic information system, remote sensing and visualization, Sometime, I use GUI based open source softwares and commercial softwares for the Professional works. . additionally I like to write about the environment. If you appoint in your work, I will do it very efficiently. I am diligent in my approach to ensuring that the work I do is completed to the highest standard. I like to work closely with my clients to ensure that they receive the best possible service making your ideas a reality through an easy and efficient process resulting in repeat business and a lasting relationship with the focus of understanding your business vision.

Hello World! My services include but not limited to the following:-

  1. Desktop and Web Mapping and GIS such
    • Mapping of the study area
    • Density mapping
    • Contour map
    • Bathymetric mapping
    • Road mapping
    • Flood mapping and surface water dynamics
    • Hydrographic mapping
    • Topographic mapping
    • Hydrology connectivity Mapping
    • Volumetric mapping
    • Landslide Analysis
    • Digital Elevation Mapping
    • Landcover and landuse Map
    • Predictive Map with Machine learning and Deep learning
    • Land cover and change Map, Benthic Habitats classification and Mapping
    • choropleth map
    • Different indices based map like NDVI, NDWI, LDI etc.
    • Tracking Map
    • Hotspot analyses and Mapping
    • Sptial Regressional Mapping
    • Multidimentional data based Map
    • Ocean current Mapping
    • Spatial Bayesian analysis
  2. Geo Data analysis , visualization and Modeling using ArcGIS,R,Python, QGIS, GRASS, SAGA.
  3. Species Distribution Modeling with R/ ArcGIS
  4. I have practical and research experience on species distribution Modeling. I can do the using following method including machine learning models using R/ ArcGIS.
    • 1. Maximum entrony [Maxent]
    • 2. Generalized linear models
    • 3. Boosted Regression Trees
    • 4. Random forest
    • 5. Support vector machine
  5. Spatial Programming and in GIS using Python and R.
  6. Sourcing and downloading Satellite Images, Satellite image classification including supervised and unsupervised.
  7. GIS data file conversion — Convert from Shapefile to KML, GML, CSV, GeoJSON, etc.
  8. Geo-spatial data collection and mining.
  9. GIS data API — Google Maps API, NASA API, etc.
  10. Dashboard with python (dash)and R (shiny)
  11. Animation based Plotting in any format
  12. dashboard w and digital story Map with ArcGIS
  13. Geocoding, Tracking analysis and distribution Modeling
  14. Making Google Earth Engine App
  15. Data extraction from Google Earth Engine
  16. Machine learning with Google Earth Engine App
  17. Analyzing Acoustic data
  18. Text data analysis and visualization
  19. Whatsapp Text data analysis and visualization
  20. Online content Writing and Development on environmental and Marine science

My Google scholar citations

Google scholar is popular way to showcase paper and citation.

Professional Membership

  1. The Oceanography Society (Student member)
  2. American Fisheries Society Mississippi State Sub-unit (Secretary-2022)
  3. IEEE Student Membership
  4. Blue Green Foundation Bangladesh (Founding member)
  5. Wildlife Conservation Society, Bangladesh

Education in the United States of America and Bangladesh

I am currently a graduate student at Mississippi State University in Mississippi, USA. I am pursuing a master's degree in wildlife, aquaculture, and fisheries, with a focus on geospatial data analysis and developing a management framework to limit silver carp invasion across the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley . I was a student of Florida Gulf Coast University(FGCU), Florida, USA, . I worked with Dr. Felix Jose ,Dr. James Douglass and Dr. Tosi. they are doing great research activities.

My Research activities and publications (* submitted):

  1. H. Ahmad, F. Jose and Dash Padmanava, and et al.,2024. "Mapping the long-term influence of river discharge on coastal ocean net primary productivity in the Northern Gulf of Mexico*
  2. H. Ahmad, F. Jose and Nabi, and et al.,2024.Assessing Land Use and Land Cover Dynamics of Irrawaddy Delta: Remote Sensing Analysis and Future Projections*
  3. H. Ahmad, et al.,2025.Machine learning Ocean optics algorithm development for Coastal of Gulf of Mexico*
  4. H. Ahmad, et al.,2025.Long-Term Trends and Seasonal Drivers of Water Quality in US Southern Coastal National Reserves: Unraveling the Impacts of Climate Change*
  5. H. Ahmad et al.,2024.Mapping the Dynamics of Particulate Organic Carbon: Satellite Observations of Coastal to Shelf Variability in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico link
  6. H Ahmad, LE Miranda, CG Dunn, MR Boudreau, ME Colvin.,2024.Connectivity patterns between floodplain lakes and neighboring streams in the historical floodplain of the Lower Mississippi River link
  7. MS Islam, P Dash, AM Nur, H Ahmad, RM Panda, JS Wolfe, G Turnage..,2024.Estimation of chlorophyll-a in uncrewed aircraft systems imagery using autonomous surface vessel data with machine learning algorithms and feature selection techniques link
  8. H. Ahmad, Dash Padmanava, and et al.,2024.Integrating Machine Learning and Remote Sensing for Long-Term Monitoring of Chl-a in Chilika Lake, India link
  9. Machine Learning Algorithm Development from Remote Sensing Ocean Data*
  10. Satellite Monitoring of Surface Phytoplankton Functional Types in the Gulf of Mexico*
  11. Ahmad Hafez, Jose Felix, and et al. 2024. Hypoxia in the northern and eastern Gulf of Mexico: A Machine Learning Approach for Evaluation and Prediction*
  12. Ahmad Hafez, Jose Felix, and et al. 2024. Mesoscale Eddies and their impact on primary productivity in the Bay of Bengal*
  13. H. Ahmad, F. Jose and D. J. Shoemaker, "Mapping, Dynamics, and Future Change Analysis of Sundarbans Delta Using Cellular Automata and Artificial Neural Network Modeling," in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 17, pp. 5594-5603, 2024, doi: 10.1109/JSTARS.2024.3367116 link
  14. Ahmad Hafez, Jose Felix, Bhuyan Md. Simul, Islam Md. Nazrul, Dash Padmanava. 2024. Seasonal influence of freshwater discharge on spatio-temporal variations in primary productivity, sea surface temperature, and euphotic zone depth in the northern Bay of Bengal. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 43(0): 1–13, doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2254-y link
  15. Ahmad, H., Jose, Felix; Islam, Md. Shaiful; Jhara, Shakila Islam (2023). Green Energy, Blue Economy: Integrating Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development for Bangladesh. Marine Technology Society Journal. link
  16. Ahmad, H., Abdallah, M., Jose, F., Elzain, H. E., Bhuyan, M. S., Shoemaker, D. J., & Selvam, S. (2023). Evaluation and mapping of predicted future land use changes using hybrid models in a coastal area. Ecological informatics, 102324. link
  17. Ahmad, H., Jose, F.Seasonal influence of freshwater discharge on primary productivity and euphotic depth in the northern Bay of Bengal.2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.
  18. Ahmad, H., Jose, F.Mapping, Dynamics, and Future Change Analysis of Sundarbans delta using Cellular Automata and Artificial Neural Network Modeling.2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.
  19. Ahmad, Hafez, Jose, Felix , Bhuyan, Md. Simul (2021). Simulation of future land use, land surface temperature, and vegetation using remote sensing and machine learning techniques for the Chittagong city corporation of Bangladesh.
  20. Ahmad, Hafez ,Jose, Felix, Bhuyan, Simul and Dash, P (2024). Seasonal Influence of Freshwater Discharge and Saptio-temporal Variation of Sea Surface Functions on Primary Productivity in the Northern Bay of Bengal
  21. Ahmad, Hafez. 2019. “A Field Assessment on Karnafully Estuarine Ecology.” International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies 7 (1): 35–38. link
  22. Ahmad, H. (2019a) ‘Applications of Remote Sensing in Oceanographic Research, International Journal of Oceanography & Aquaculture, 3(1), pp. 1–9. doi: 10.23880/ijoac-16000159. link
  23. Ahmad, H. (2019). Machine learning applications in oceanography. Aquatic Research, 2(3), 161-169. link
  24. Hafez Ahmad, Shakila islam jhara. (2019). Present status of impacts of climate change and adaptations in Bangladesh coastal areas. In Social Change A journal for social development (Vol. 9, pp. 71–81). Young Power in Social Action. link
  25. Ahmad, H. (2019b) ‘Bangladesh Coastal Zone Management Status and Future Trends’, Journal of Coastal Zone Management, 22(1), pp. 1–7. doi: 10.4172/2473-3350.1000466. link

2023 American Fisheries Society (AFS) Annual Meeting,Grand Rapids, Michigan IGARSS 2023 Poster Presentation Ocean Science Conference 2024, New Orleans,LA Ocean Science Conference 2024, New Orleans,LA NASA Collaboration: Accelerating Informatics for Earth Science 2024

Abstracts and Conference proceedings:

  1. Hafez Ahmad, L. E. Miranda. A systematic review on hydrological connectivity relevant to oxbow lakes: Research concepts, progress, approaches, scales, and future directions.49th Annual meeting of the MSAFS,2023
  2. Hafez Ahmad, L. E. Miranda. Assessing the Relationship between Hydrological Connectivity and Fish Assemblage in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley Floodplain.MSU, Graduate Research Symposium
  3. Hafez Ahmad, Shakila Islam Jhara, and Md. Wahidul Alam.2021. Collaborative approach and role of the marine spatial planning to support integrated coastal zone management in Bangladesh.8th International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM 2021)29-31 March 2021, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  4. Mazaharul Islam , Hafez Ahmad, Mohammad Saydul Islam Sarkar, Jose Felix. Sustainable Coastal Zone Management in Bangladesh: A Blue Economy Perspective through Remote Sensing data. Taiwan International Conference on Ocean Governance 2023 (TICOG 2023).
  5. Hafez Ahmad, Felix Jose. Seasonal influence of freshwater discharge on primary productivity and euphotic depth in the northern Bay of Bengal. 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
  6. Hafez Ahmad, Felix Jose. Mapping, Dynamics, and Future Change Analysis of Sundarbans delta using Cellular Automata and Artificial Neural Network Modeling. 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
  7. Md. Mazaharul Islam , Hafez Ahmad, Mohammad Saydul Islam Sarkar, Jose Felix. A comprehensive framework for harnessing blue economy benefits in Bangladesh’s central coastal zone. 9th International Conference on Water and Flood Management-ICWFM 2023.

I earned a place on honor roll by finishing semester with a 3.75 GPA Fall-2019 honor roll < . I presented two Poster presentations in STEM Undergraduate Research and Internship Symposium ,2019, Florida Gulf Coast Uuniversity, Florida, USA.
  1. Spatio –temporal variability of SST and primary productivity in the Bay of Bengal by Hafez ahmad and Dr. Felix Jose at Florida gulf coast university (FGCU) ,Florida ,U.S.A link
  2. Are invertebrate in tape grass beds as diverse and productive as those in seagrass beds ? By Kelly chase , Hafez ahmad and Dr. James Douglass at FGCU link

Field working in the Keys Marine Laboratory ,Florida , USA

The Keys Marine Laboratory (KML) is a full-service marine field station situated in the heart of the Florida Keys. I I have spent three days there and done a lot of field works,lab works and research under the supervision of Dr. Douglass. We dived into the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean and Identified Seagrass,Marine fishes and Coral reefs species.

Working in the Marine Ecology Lab

This is Dr. Douglass's Ecological lab. I spent about 86 hours in the last fall 2019 semester. I worked on Benthic Samples and sorting with four graduate students of the Florida Gulf Coast University.

Leadership program

The Social leadership Hackathon is a half-day workshop where students from diverse backgrounds can come together to learn and exercise leadership to solve a problem in their community. Participants will work in small groups to focus on a particular local problem and work together as a team to create an action plan to solve it.

Atlantic Ocean !

I love Oceand and its Weather. I dived into the Ocean.

Snorkeling in the Gulf of Mexico

This was part of our Marine Ecology course. we collected fish and seagrass samples from different spots of the Gulf of Mexico. then We identified all of them at the Laboratory.

Community Ecology

Community Ecology :study of the interactions between species, such as mutualism, predation and competition, and the dynamics and structure of the community. I did some analyses on Nonmetric multidimensional scaling using R.


This is a basic Marine Mammal and Sharks detection-based on convolutional neural network model from static images. The classification stage is now complete; after some months, I will update the entire code for mammal and shark detections. At first , I used VGG-19 pretrained CNN model, then I built a new simple CNN model. The convolutional Neural Network CNN works by getting an image, designating it some weightage based on the different objects of the image, and then distinguishing them from each other.

Some presentations of mine

I presented several presentations on different workshops and class rooms.

  1. Graduate research assistant workshop at Mississippi State University
  2. Undergraduate research workshop at Florida Gulf Coast University
  3. Workshop at University of Chittagong, Bangladesh
  4. Some online intership and Conferences

I built a COVID Dashboard. It is a simple dashboard to show the COVID-19 cases from across world. I used Python to build this dashboard.

To view,Please click here

Ocean Simulation Modeling

Ocean models are numerical models with a focus on the properties of oceans and their circulation. Ocean models play a large role in aiding our understanding of the ocean's influence on weather and climate.I love to work in the Ocean Modeling . I have little experience in Regional Ocean Modeling system by scientists to better understand the earth climate system.

Why do we need to Model Ocean?
Ocean models play a large role in aiding our understanding of the ocean’s influence on weather and climate. They are a repository for mechanistic theories of how the ocean works with numerical methods used to transform the mathematical expression of the theories into a computational tool for scientific investigations. In particular numerical models are for hypothesis-driven experimental and theoretical studies that make them an essential tool in the hierarchy of methods used by scientists to better understand the earth climate system.

Ecological Modeling

Ecosystem modeling is the mathematical representation of ecological systems from individuals to the whole biome which is studied to understand the real nature, the models can be analytic or simulations based. It has applications in a wide variety of disciplines.

Coral shallow and deep-water species distribution

author: Hafez ahmad

Vertical Ocean Temperature and salinity with pressure distribution

this is created by R using Argo data. author: Hafez ahmad

Depth Ocean temperature in the Bay of Bengal

this is created by R and Python using Argo data. author: Hafez Ahmad

Cross sectional plot of the Indian Ocean

Cross sectional Plot: A section plot is a vertical "slice" through the ocean, along an alignment that is often a straight line, portraying the vertical structure of a selected property along the alignment. this type of plot is extremely useful in the case of multidimensional data analysis. I made it using Python programming for the presentation purpose.

Significant wave height of the Ocean

author: Hafez ahmad ,data source : NOAA's WAVEWATCH III (

Mesoscale Eddies Extracted from Satellite Data

Have you noticed that offshore, the eddies are warm, while near the River mouth, water is cold and lower SLA values

Mesoscale Cyclonic Eddies those are longer 10 weeks

Mesoscale cyclonic eddies (cold core) are though known to enhance the phytoplankton biomass in the Bay of Bengal, their contribution to the carbon export to the deep ocean are yet to be quantified.Eddies exist principally in the western Bay of Bengal and most of them propagate westward. The polarity distribution of eddies shows cyclones prefer to occur in the northwest and south of the Bay of Bengal, while anticyclones mainly occur in the east of the bay.

Sample works on Traditional data analysis and visualization

Normalized difference Vegetation Index(NDVI) with R :To calculate the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) for the continental United States using R, begin by acquiring suitable satellite imagery, such as Landsat data, which can be obtained from the USGS Earth Explorer. Load the necessary R packages, including raster and rgdal, to handle and process the imagery. After loading the Red and Near-Infrared (NIR) bands into R, compute the NDVI using the formula: (NIR - Red) / (NIR + Red). Visualize the resulting NDVI raster to assess vegetation health across the region. Given the extensive data size for the entire continental U.S., ensure your system has adequate computational resources

Sample works on data analysis and visualization on SDM with R:

Published Method on Spatial temporal dynamics of Particulate Organic Carbon: This study analyzed the spatial and temporal variability of POC in the northeastern coastal waters to the continental shelf of the Gulf of Mexico using satellite remote sensing data within the United States. Over 19 years, surface water POC averaged 155.57 ± 13.56 mg/m3, with values ranging from 127.17 to 188.81 mg/m3, and an insignificant annual increase of 0.78 mg/m3. Spatial analysis across five transects (T1–T5) revealed significant variability

Published works on data analysis and visualization on Hydrologic Connectivity: This study quantified hydrologic connectivity for 1,283 lakes in the Lower Mississippi River floodplain using satellite imagery, streamgauge data, and geospatial information. We aimed to assess connection frequency patterns between lakes and streams. Eight metrics describing temporal aspects of hydrologic connectivity were estimated, identifying trends by lake features and by stream size. Each lake exhibited a distinct pattern of connection, with specific months of connectivity followed by disconnection, likely influenced by lake characteristics and seasonal precipitation. Larger lakes showed increased connectivity, likely due to their surface area and volume, while smaller lakes were more prone to isolation, especially during dry periods. Lakes connected to large streams exhibited more prolonged and recurring connections, with less seasonal variation. In contrast, lakes near agricultural areas experienced reduced connectivity.

Published works on Chla estimation from Landsat satellite image:This study aimed to develop and validate a robust ML model for estimating Chla using Landsat data, produce a time series of Chl a maps, and analyze the spatiotemporal variability of Chla in Chilika Lagoon, Asia’s largest brackish water lagoon. Nine ML regression models, including Extreme Gradient Boost, Support Vector Regression, Random Forest, and Bagging Regression, were evaluated using Landsat imagery and field data. After extensive hyperparameter tuning, the Bagging Regression model achieved the highest estimation accuracy, with an R2 of 0.8776 and a Root Mean Square Error of 0.9190 µg/L. This optimized model was subsequently applied to generate a time series of Chla maps for Chilika Lagoon from 2014 to 2023, revealing notable seasonal and spatial variability. Chla concentrations peaked during summer months and were generally higher in the lagoon’s northwestern region, gradually decreasing towards the southern area. This approach holds promise for precise Chla monitoring in diverse lagoon environments and may aid in the assessment and management of similar coastal and inland lake ecosystems worldwide

GIS and Remote sensing

Remote Sensing (RS) has a wide range of applications in the field of physical, biological, coastal, and satellite oceanography. RS in Oceanographic research is the collection of oceanographic, monitoring of coastal and oceanic processes data, and analysis of various processes using space-borne and airborne sensors.

Each year in Bangladesh about 26,000 square kilometres (10,000 sq mi) (around 18% of the country) is flooded, killing over 5,000 people and destroying more than seven million homes. During severe floods the affected area may exceed 75% of the country, as was seen in 1998. This volume is 95% of the total annual inflow.

Application of remote sensing data in Oceanographic Research

Some important variables from Remote sensing Data

No. Parameters Satellite sensors Uses
1 Sea surface temperature(SST) MODIS,AMSRE,TMI Helps in the study of climate change and weather forecasting.
2 Total suspended solids (TSSs) DEIMOS-1,LANDSAT ,ASTER Provides information on hydrodynamic modeling of the coast.
3 Sea surface salinity (SSS) ESA Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS),SMAP SSS Helps in monitoring salinity.
4 Chlorophyll content SeaWiFS, IKONOS, IRS P4 OCM Helps in monitoring phytoplankton blooms and concentration of phytoplankton.
5 Sea surface height (SSH),wind speed Topex /Poseidon, ERS-1 , ERS-2 Helps in monitoring ocean currents,eddies and waves.
6 Surface current, front, circulation POES/AVHRR, GOES/IMAGER, JASON-1 Helps in monitoring ocean currents,waves and Wave and current modeling.
7 Potential fishing zone NOAA AVHRR, IRS OCM Helps in monitoring fishing zone.
8 working
The relation between Covid-19 and Population density Map

Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh.More than 19.5 million people live in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. That's more than 23,234 people per square kilometer. most of the confirmed Covid-19 case are from this area

Saint Martin island Landuse land cover Map

St. Martin's Island is a small island in the northeastern part of the Bay of Bengal, about 9 km south of the tip of the Cox's Bazar-Teknaf peninsula, and forming the southernmost part of Bangladesh. it is enriched with numerous marine biotic and abiotic resources including many species of commercial fishes, coral reefs, marine algae, mollusks, etc. that has been playing a significant role for the socio-economic development of the islanders. the social-economic conditions of the local community are completely dependent on both Marine resources and tourism.

Landuse land cover Map of the Sundarbans Mangrove Forest,Bangladesh

Sundarbans is the largest natural mangrove forest in the world. It lies between latitude 21° 27′ 30″ and 22° 30′ 00″ North and longitude 89° 02′ 00″ and 90° 00′ 00″ East and with a total area of 10,000 km2, 60% of the property lies in Bangladesh and the rest in India .
Image classification methods
Random forest(RF) is a supervised learning algorithm.The "forest" it builds, is an ensemble of decision trees, usually trained with the “bagging” method (Breiman, 2001).This algorithm is used for satellite image classification using google earth engine and landsat 8 imageries. Breiman proposed RF in 2001 for classification and clustering. RF grows many decision trees for classification. To classify a new object, the input vector is run through each decision tree in the forest

 Landsat timelapse (band combination: SWIR1/NIR/Red) timelapse for small island for Bangladesh.
Surface water dynamics using Landsat Imageries

Heat_Map of NYC Cab Pickups created by Python

Online teaching Experiences

I love to teach Geospatial data analysis , Environmental and Marine data management with Python, R , Julia , with Specific softwares like ArcGIS, QGIS ,saga GIS as well as Google Earth engine . and I try to write regularly in the social media.I also provide screen-cast training. If you need any sort of assistance , You can reach me at "" . I conduct online training via Zoom or Google meet and Skype. it is person to person Teaching one hour everyday [can be modified with Special demand]. I also provide online /offiline
Geospatial consultancy services

  1. Conceptual plans and feasibility studies
  2. Detailed surveys and investigations
  3. Flood Inundation analysis
  4. Environmental data analysis and Mapping
  5. Data migration, conversion, capture, rationalisation, validation
  6. Geoimage[Raster] processing analysts
And Don't underestimate the value of personal experiences when it comes to online courses.
I provide online services and the courses are listed below . course payment can be negotiable
  1. Basic R/Python/julia programming
  2. Advanced R/Python programming for Data analysis and Visualization
  3. Big-data analytics with python
  4. Parallel Computing with Julia / (Dask) python
  5. Advanced R/python programming for Oceanographic Data analysis and Visualization
  6. Ecological data analysis with Python/R programming
  7. Advanced statistics with R programming
  8. Geo-spatial data analysis with Python/R
  9. Numerical analysis with Julia programming
  10. Spatial analysis and Map Making with ArcGIS
  11. land use and land cover Mapping with ArcGIS
  12. Advanced ArcGIS online dashboard
  13. Map Making and Modeling with QGIS
  14. Data analysis with Matlab
  15. Basic Equations solving with Matlab
  16. Basic to advanced MS excel training

  17. Online Academic Tutoring
    If you think those topics are useful then you can email me with full requirements or If you like to have a trial run, demonstration class that's awesome, I like to run one hour trial on your specific topics class free of cost! I'll assure you that you will not to get panic in this or that topic. I'll try to give you the real Information, I'll teach you more easier way or what ever you choose, Of any problem you face i can solve that

Some online clients reviewed my works and their comments (from 2018-2021)

I also provide online services as freelance work. you can find me here [] and you order your work on desired topics data analysis / data visualization /problems / research findings/ problem identification.